To get Hand Tool (while NOT editing Type)
Move mesh point along path with Mesh toolĪdd mesh point with Mesh tool without changing colorĬonstrain orientation of polygons, stars, spiralsĪdd/subtract sides, points, spiral segmentsĬreate continuous duplicates along mouse movement Transform pattern without transforming object
Samples intermediate color from gradient, picture, etc. To get Eyedropper tool while using Live Paint Bucket tool When finished drawing, hold Option and release mouseĬonnect to an open (and selected) path with Pencil tool Move anchor point while drawing with Pen toolĬreate closed path with Pencil or Paintbrush tool To get Add Anchor Point tool while using Scissors tool Switch between Add Anchor Point and Delete Anchor Point tools To get Anchor Point tool while using Pen tool To cycle through tools behind column tool To switch between Selection and Direct Selection tools To access Selection or Direction Selection tool (whichever was used last) at any time